
Why I wrote Personal Training Secrets to Lose Belly Fat and Get a Flat Stomach

There were 2 major work related experiences that inspired me to write the book Personal Training Secrets to Lose Belly Fat and Get a Flat Stomach.

First was my experience with Boston's First Mom and Baby Bootcamp, BounceBack Fitness.

A former client and friend from Boston was travelling in California, and when she was looking for an exercise class, she stumbled on a Bootcamp class for new mothers. As I remember what impressed her the most was just how fit and athletic the group of new moms were.

When she got back to Boston, she asked me what I thought about participating as an instructor in an outdoor bootcamp class for new mothers. After a little brainstorming and a ton of leg work on her part, Bounceback Fitness was born and it was Boston's First Outdoor Mom and Baby Bootcamp.

How do I get Rid of my Stomach?

Needless to say one of the most common questions new mothers would ask their first time to class was, "How do I get rid of my stomach?"

I told them the same thing I tell everyone...

You have to burn calories through exercise and eat well to decrease your overall body fat percentage if you want to lose belly fat.

I also make the point that ab exercises only help a small amount and cannot magically melt off stomach fat.

Our workouts were hardcore, and it really pushed the ladies to a whole new fitness level.

As one of the initial instructors, I learned a ton about fitness and I had so much fun working with all the wonderful people and new mothers.

There was a feature article on Bounceback Fitness in the Boston Globe.

And here's a clip from the local news, where I was interviewed about the workouts for Bounceback Fitness.

Teaching bootcamp classes for BounceBack Fitness was truly was an awesome experience, and it really inspired me as a personal trainer and an individual.

I was very sad when I announced that I would no longer be teaching classes for BounceBack Fitness, but I decided to make a career move.

I was just about to finish my Doctorate Degree in Physical Therapy at Boston University, and I had always dreamed of owning my own business.

I was inspired by the ladies from BounceBack, and statistics were showing a trend towards women's only fitness facilities.

So I purchased an existing fitness franchise through Ladies Workout Express.

Ladies Workout Express

I purchased a club that had been opened for about 2 years, and I was so excited to be my own boss. One of the main goals was to develop a personal training clientele within my new fitness facility.

As the new owner, I sent out letters to all the current members letting them know I would be there for them and I offered everyone a complimentary personal training session.

Nearly 100 ladies took me up on my offer, and guess what most of them asked me...

You guessed it, "How to I get rid of my stomach fat?"

Actually, I found that I kept answering this question nearly 12 hours a day :)

I remember thinking on many occasions that it would be nice to have a book, so that I would have to say the same thing over and over again.

And a book would have definitely been more thorough than the 5-20 minute answer I could give while I was working.

Another reason, I thought a book would be a good idea was that personal training is expensive and not everyone can afford a personal trainer.

At my gym, 30 minute sessions were $35, and hour sessions were $65.

I actually think purchasing my book may be more valuable to some people than a 30 minute personal training session, because in 30 minutes there is just no way to cover everything you need to know about losing belly fat and constructing a comprehensive fitness routine.

The Genesis of Personal Training Secrets

I really loved working with all the women at Ladies Workout Express, and I was really sad when I told them that the gym would be closing.

What can I say...

I'm a better teacher than a business man-- for now at least.

What I can say is that I learned a lot and don't have any regrets for trying.

Quick Side Note: We often forget that failure is a natural part of learning. We learn how to stand by falling.

It's the same with losing weight, dieting, and getting in shape. We fail many times until we finally figure out how to succeed. In order to achieve success in anything, we have to learn new things, practice the skills, and never give up until we reach our goals.

Okay, back to the genesis...

My gym closed in April of 2006, and I was very depressed about the whole situation. I really couldn't focus much on anything and didn't know what I was going to do next with my life.

In my final days at the gym, I actually had a member who is a writer tell me I should write a fintess book. I had thought about writing a fitness book for over 5 years, but never got started.

And oddly enough this was the perfect opportunity.

I spent the entire summer May, June, July, and August writing. Sometimes, I would write for 8 hours a day. I would write first thing in the morning, in between personal training sessions at another gym, on the weekends, after midnight-- I wrote whenever the inspiration hit me.

Writing was very therapeutic for me and very liberating. It really helped to sustain me emotionally after dealing with the grief and loss of my business ("My Career Dream").

The book project actually became my new career dream, and I spun the negative into a positive. After all, if I had not tried and failed at my business, maybe I would not have had the time, opportunity, motivation, or brain space to finally put pen to paper.

So I wrote, with a purpose and I wrote with passion.

4 months and 288 pages later Personal Training Secrets to Lose Belly Fat and Get a Flat Stomach was born.

I really put my all into writing this book, and I feel it is perfect for someone who is just getting started with an exercise routine. The exercise program is simple and easy to follow.

If you're in great shape and workout regularly, you can still benefit from my book. The only section that may not be challenging enough is the weight training section, but you will find the insights throughout very helpful for improving the look of your mid-section and your body fat percentage.

It covers all the aspects of fitness: goal setting, motivation, flexibility, aerobic exercise, weight training, nutrition, and of course ab and stomach exercises.

The abdominal chapter is the longest chapter, and it has pictures and descriptions of over 50 abdominal exercises.

But remember, I wanted to create a comprehensive program, so my book is not just a list of ab exercises. If you'd like, you can click to view the entire table of contents.

Well, I hope that helps you to understand a little more about why I wrote this book.

If you have any questions feel free to email me at charles@ab-core-and-stomach-exercises.com

I hope you allow me to help you get in better shape.

Until later...
Take Care and Best Wishes


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