
Weight Loss Success Story
Maggie King from the
Biggest Loser Couples Season 5

If you're looking for a great weight loss success story read about Maggie King from The Biggest Loser.

I was fortunate enough to work with Maggie, when she left the Biggest Loser Ranch during season 5, 2008.

The Finale of the Biggest Loser was April 15th, and I know her transformation will inspire other young women to take control of their lives and make positive changes.

Before and After Results

In total, Maggie lost 70 pounds and went from weighing 239 pounds down to 169 pounds-- and she did this all in around 5 months.

But what they don't tell you on the show is how much muscle each contestant gains.

Maggie actually added 14 pounds of muscle during the competition, so

She actually lost 84 pounds of body fat!


For every pound of muscle you add, you increase your metabolism about 30-50 calories per day. By adding muscle as you lose weight, you decrease the risk of gaining the weight back and you increase your body's ability to continue to burn fat.

Double Sweet!!!

Maggie is such a smart, cool and hard working person, and I know she's headed for big things.

And, I'm so glad I had the opportunity to work with her.

When she was voted off the show, she continued working out like a mad woman, and looked awesome at the finale.

Maggie King

Here are a few additional videos that Maggie and I shot for Diet.com

Insider Workout Secret!

Here's a little inside secret that was not showed in the videos.

In addition to all the gym workouts, once a week, Maggie and I would workout on a 9 flight staircase for 60-90 minutes at a time.

I was always amazed by her work ethic and determination. She never quit on any workouts and always pushed herself to the limit.

Even when she left the ranch, she busted her butt in the gym 3-4 hours a day while controlling her calories and eating healthy foods.

She truly is a great weight loss success story!

The Biggest Loser airs Tuesday nights on NBC at 8 PM Eastern/ 7 PM Central time.

It's one of my favorite reality television shows, and I think it can motivate people to lose weight and get in shape. I'm sure there will be another great weight loss success story in each additional season.

I hope you get inspired and I hope to see you back here soon!

Yours in Health,
Charles Inniss, Personal Trainer/ Physical Therapist

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