Great Abs and Exercises
From All over the World
Here's a fun way to learn about the world and see creative pictures of great abs.
I come from a long line of teachers, and I love learning about new things and new places. Our family also loves to play games, and my creativity lead me to create a little game for you.
The name of the game is--Where in the World are These Abs?
The way the game works is simple.
Look at the first picture and try to determine if you can figure out where in the world the picture was taken.
The second step is to read the clues about the city or location, and keep guessing where the picture was taken.
Scroll down slowly and carefully read each clue. If you scroll down too fast, you will reveal the answer.
After all the clues you'll be able to see the entire picture and get the answer of where the picture was taken.
Are you Ready?
Here's your first Quiz.
Where in the World are These Abs?

Clue #1: This city has a river that bears my name.
Clue #2: This state is one of only 2 U.S. States that has ever elected an African-American Governor.
Clue #3: Martin Luther King Jr. went to college in this city.
Clue #4: This city has won more NBA championships than any other city.
Clue #5: This city is the home of Paul Revere.
Clue #6: This city's baseball team is the Red Sox.
Alright, I hope you've guessed by now that this great abs picture was taken in...

Boston, Massachusetts U.S.A.
This is a picture of me in my home town of Boston, Massachusetts.
I'm standing on the bank of the Charles River, and you can see two of the most recognizable buildings in Boston-- the Prudential Center and the John Hancock Building.
Our Governor is African-American Deval Patrick.
If you continued west on the Charles River (away from my left shoulder), you'd see Boston University-- where Martin Luther King Jr. completed his PhD.
The Boston Celtics have won 17 NBA championships, and Celtics fans celebrated in 2008 thanks to the addition of Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen.
Paul Revere lived in Boston, and he is known for riding off on his horse to warn... "The British are coming!"
And the Boston Red Sox won the World Series in 2004 and 2007.
I hope you enjoyed the quiz, but you're not done yet...
I want to know where your great abs are.
You can share your photos and facts about the city they were taken in to educate and inspire other people.
It's simple, just fill out the form below to get in touch with me to submit your picture and clues.
Try to take a picture that shows something in the background that is descriptive of the city. Include 3-10 clues about your location. You can be as creative as you want.
You don't need to have great abs to contribute to this theme. If you're proud of your abs, then show them off in your city.
And, if you're not completely comfortable showing your abs and stomach, but still want to contribute to this theme, take a picture of yourself performing an ab exercise.
Remember this site is for you, so feel free to contribute to it as you like.
I look forward to receiving pictures and learning about the city you live in or a city you've visited.
Thanks in advance!
Yours in Health,
Dr. Charles
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My Weight Loss and Fitness Program for Women
Women's Fitness and Weight Loss Program:
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If you want to lose weight and get a flat stomach, my ebook
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