
Favorite Core Exercises

by Jennifer
(Marlboro, NJ, USA)

1. Forearm bridge with alternating knee-ups. (I like this one because it develops that sense of center of gravity in balancing your upper body on the balance ball with your forearms, and having to focus those abs to bring in those knees.)

2. Off-center crunches. (High intensity crunches for that satisfying burn.)

3. Push up bridge with alternating leg kicks. (Again, works those abs hard to hold up your body as you alternate legs kicking to the sides.)

4. Core circles. (I like the gentle pull around the hip area as you circle around with a dumbbell held above your head.)

5. Balance ball pikes. (Works those upper abs very hard to move the lower body.)

6. Prone knee ups. (Following balance ball pikes, prone knee ups add to that nice burning sensation and go on to work the lower abs.)

7. Ab crunches with slight turn. (Satisfying activation of the side abs.)

8. Spinal extension. (Great warm up/cool down that stretches all the abdominal muscles and back muscles.)

9. Flexing spine side to side with dumbbell held over the head. (Same satisfying stretch as #8, but this time targeting the lower back and side muscles.)

10. Straight leg raises. (Great way to target those lower back muscles.)

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