
Work Your Core, Abdominals, and
Stomach Muscles with a Stability Ball

You can use a stability ball to work your core, abdominals, and lower back muscles all at the same time.

The stability ball is a great abdominal exercise tool. Because it's unstable it will make your lower back and abdominal muscles work much harder during certain exercises.

Side Walks on the Stability Ball

Starting Position: Begin by sitting on the stability ball, then walk yourself down so that your upper back and head are resting on the stability ball. Extend your arms out to the sides.

Form: While keeping your abdominal muscles and lower back muscles engaged, slowly walk your feet over to one side and shift your body towards the dies of the ball. When you get to the edge of your ability to stay balanced on the ball, switch directions and shift back to the other side.

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Personal Trainer Tips: This exercise is tricky to master in the beginning. The goal is to simply walk your body across the stability ball.

You don't have move far to feel your muscles working. As you walk your body to the side, go only as far as you can control. The farther you shift to the side the harder your lower back, hips, and abdominals will work.

Read my page on Core Training Tips to learn more ways to really work your abdominals and lower back.

Yours in Health
Dr. Charles

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P.S. Check out my Core Workout Video!

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