Charles Inniss
Natural Bodybuilder
Charles Inniss: Natural Bodybuilding Champion
I have been a competitive athlete since I was 10 years old. I ran track and played basketball in high school, and ran track in college. When I approached graduation for college, I needed an outlet to continue to foster my competitive nature.
Natural Bodybuilding became my outlet.
After graduating college, I trained hard for 1 year before competing in my first show. I placed 2nd in the novice division and tied for 5th in the men's open middle weight division.
I was hooked. Natural Bodybuilding is such a unique sport. You learn so much about your body when you plunge into the sport. Every bodybuilder I know is obsessed with their training, eating, and preparation and that is what yields such impressive results when you step on stage.
I trained for 3 years and competed in 6 shows over a 2 year period. It was truly an awesome ride.
I retired after my 6th show, partly because I won the National Title in my division.
Bodybuilding can be an expensive and time-consuming hobby, and after my last show I changed my focus to my building my career and further increasing my education.
But, I have to admit that the bodybuilding bug is still inside me, and I anticipate that I will get on stage some time in the future.
Here are some pictures from my last show. I want to emphasize that I worked extremely hard, and I was incredibly disciplined for 3 years to get to that point.
And, I did it naturally. I used no analobic steroids, no hormones, and no illegal drugs. I am proud that I have never used performance enhancing drugs.
The beauty of natural bodybuilding is
that it's you against you.
It's a personal challenge that only you can conquer.

I hope you get motivated to reach your physical best, and I hope you allow me to help you along the way.
Use my site and never stop working towards your goals.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Charles
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