
Free Lower Back Workouts and Lower Back Exercises to Strengthen Your Lower Back Muscles

Lower back workouts are just as important as ab workouts for overall health, core strength, injury prevention, and improvement in sports performance.

Most people neglect the lower back muscles, and this is a huge mistake in fitness routines.

In order to have a strong core, there must be a balance between the strength of your lower back and your abdominal muscles.

Some studies on lower back pain, suggest that strengthening the lower back muscles can be an effective treatment for chronic lower back pain. And some studies using MRI have found atrophy (a wasting away) of the lower back muscles in people with chronic lower back pain.

Note: This site is for informational purposes and is not designed to diagnose or treat medical conditions. If you currently have lower back pain, you should seek the counsel of a licensed health professional.

For most people it is wise to start including lower back exercises and workouts in your fitness routine. Start slowly and always listen to your body. If you feel pain during any lower back exercise, slow down and check your form. Discontinue any exercise that causes pain or discomfort other than muscle fatigue.

Okay, below are some sample core workouts that focus on the lower back muscles.

Lower Back Exercises and Workouts

Easy Low Back and Core Workout

Lower Back and Hip Workout

Have fun working out.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Charles

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P.S. Check out my Core Workout Video!

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