
Strengthen Your Abdominal Muscles
With Bosu Ball Ab Exercises

This page has 3 variations of a Bosu ball ab exercise to strengthen your abdominal muscles.

There are many ways to exercise your abdominals. You can use ab machines, exercise balls, or dumbbells.

If you're bored with the floor, you can always rely on the Bosu Ball to give you a good ab workout.

Here are 3 ab exercise variations that you can do on Bosu Ball.

Ab Exercise #1:
Bosu Ball Ab Crunches with a Knee In

Starting Position: Begin by lying on top of the Bosu Ball with one leg extended straight and your hands behind your head.

Form: Exhale and crunch your body forward. Bring your knee straight in towards your chest. Hold briefly at the top and then slowly lower your leg back to the starting position.

Personal Trainer Tips: Perform 8-15 repetitions on one leg and then switch to the other leg.

Do your best to keep your balance and keep your leg lifted off the floor during the entire set. If you lose your balance or get fatigued it's okay to lower your leg to the floor to regain your balance.

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Ab Exercise #2
Bosu Ball Oblique Crunches with a Knee In

This exercise is very similar to the above exercise, but it is slightly more challenging. The difference is that in this exercise you wil twist your body to emphasize the oblique muscles.

Starting Position: Begin by lying on top of the Bosu Ball with one leg extended straight and your hands behind your head.

Form: Exhale and crunch your body forward as you bring your knee towards your chest. As you reach the top of the crunching motion twist your body towards the knee that is moving.

Personal Trainer Tips: Perform this exercise in a repeating fashion. Do 8-15 repetitions twisting to the same side, and then switch sides.

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Ab Exercise #3
Bosu Ball Bicycle Crunches

This abdominal exercise is similar to the above exercises, but it is slightly more challenging than the Oblique Crunches. For the Oblique Crunches you should perform them in repeating fashion focusing only on one side at a time. During the bicycle crunches, you will alternate sides during the exercise.

Starting Position: Begin by lying on top of the Bosu Ball with one foot on the floor and your hands behind your head.

Form: Exhale and crunch your body forward. During the first repetition bring your left elbow towards your right knee. Then place your right knee on the floor and during the second repetition twist your right elbow towards your left knee.

Personal Trainer Tips: Perform 10-25 repetitions on each side.

Your position on the Bosu Ball will affect the challenge in your abdominal muscles.

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The Bosu Ball is a great piece of core exercise equipment, and you can do a variety of ab exercises and lower back exercises on it.

Because the Bosu Ball is contoured and unstable, it will increase your range of motion through your spine and increase the challenge on your abdominal muscles.

If you see a bosu ball lying around the gym floor, pick it up and try the above exercises.

Yours in Health,
Dr. Charles PT/PT

Return to The Abdominal Exercise Directory to find more ways to Work the Abdominal Muscles

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