Directory of Over 100 Abdominal Exercises
With Effective Core Exercises &
The Best Stomach Exercises
This page has links to over 100 abdominal exercises.

Welcome, if this is your first time visiting this site.
I wanted to have one central location for all the ab exercises so it would be even easier for you to navigate.
Some pages have ab exercises grouped by topic, and other pages are devoted to a single ab exercise.
Click on the page links to view the exercises under that topic, or click on the name of the core or stomach exercises to view more information about that exercise.
On this site, you'll find some of the best ab exercises and also get free ab workout routines.
Have fun and enjoy.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Charles
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Directory of the Best Abdominal Exercises
Ab Crunches: The Most Popular Stomach Exercise
Bicycle Crunches One of my favorite ab exercises.
Kneeling Cable Crunches A way to add resistance to your ab exercises.
Floor Cable Crunches
Swiss Ball Cable Crunches
Hanging Leg Raises
Incline Crunches
Incline Sit Ups
Jack Knife Maneuver
Leg Lifts/ Leg Raises
Oblique Crunches
Russian Twist
Side Crunches
Sit Ups
Oblique Sit Ups
Swiss Ball Ab Exercise:
Ball Exchange between Hands and Feet
Cable Exercises: Half Kneeling Rotations
Cable Exercises: Cable Lifts
Functional Training Exercise: Cable Chops
Kneeling Rotation Cable Exercise
Cable Exercises: Standing Rotations
Bosu Ball Crunches Feet Up
Bosu Ball Oblique Crunches Feet Up
Bosu Ball Bicycle Crunches Feet Up
Oblique Crunches on the Floor with Cables
Stability Ball Oblique Crunches with Cables
Standing and Kneeling Cable Side Bends
Ab Training and Core Training
Plank Exercise Variation, Opposite Hand and Leg Raises
Plank Exercise Variation, Opposite Elbow and Knee Touches Level 1
Plank Exercise Variation, Opposite Elbow and Knee Touches Level 1
Ab Wheel (Fit Wheel/ Power Wheel)
Front Arm Roll Outs
Rear Leg Roll Ins (Piques)
Ab Wheel Alternatives with an Exercise Ball
Front Roll Outs
Roll Ins
Ab Exercises on the Ball
Ab Crunches
Oblique Crunches
Russian Twists
Advanced Isometric Exercises on the Ball
Plank Variation: Toes on Ball- Hands on Floor
Plank Variation: Reverse Plank on Ball
Stability Ball Planks
Advanced Stability Ball Ab Exercises
Stability Ball Roll-ins
Stability Ball Piques
Stability Ball Side Crunches
Ankle Weights to Add Resistance to Ab Exercises
Reverse Crunches
Leg Raises
Bicycle Crunches
Best Core Exercises for Upper Body Speed and Power
Stability Ball Crunches and Medicine Ball Throw
Medicine Ball Chest Pass
Medicine Ball Overhead Soccer Throw
Best Lower Ab Exercises (Advanced #1)
Decline Reverse Crunches (Lower Ab Crunches)
Decline Leg Raises
Best Lower Ab Exercises (Advanced #2)
Hanging Knee Raises
Hanging Leg Raises
Bosu Ball Ab Crunches
Bosu Ball Lower Ab Crunches
Bosu Ball Ab Exercises
Bosu Ball V-ins
Bosu Ball Russian Twists
Bosu Ball Crunches and 1 Leg Combo
Bosu Ball Side Crunches
Bosu Ball Lower Ab Exercises
Bosu Ball Marching/ Heel Taps
Bosu Ball Leg Raises
Bosu Ball Flutter Kicks
Bosu Ball Exercises to Strengthen the Abdominal Muscles
Bosu Ball Crunches with Knee Ins
Bosu Ball Oblique Crunches with Knee Ins
Bosu Ball Bicycle Crunches
Bosu Balance Trainer Plank Variations
Full Plank Soft Side
1 Leg Plank Soft Side
Full Plank Flat Side
1 Leg Plank Flat Side
Core Stabilization Exercise
The Drawing-In Maneuver: Good for core workouts
Core Board Exercises
Plank Twist
Core Board Push Ups
Twisting Knee Raises
1 Leg hip Hinge
Core Strengthening Exercises
Plank Exercise with Frog Kicks (Knee Raises) Level 1
Plank Exercise with Frog Kicks (Knee Raises) Level 2
Dumbbell Ab Exercises
Standing Side Bends for Abs
Dumbbell Crunches on a Stability Ball for Abs
Overhead Dumbbell Side Bends for the Obliques
Combo Ab Exercise: Dumbbell Pullovers and Ab Crunches
Exercises for Building Core Strength by David Bohmiller
Advanced Stability Ball Plank with Frog Kicks
Stability Ball Bridges with Alternating Leg Extensions
Plank Position with Cone Touches
Floor Abs Exercise Variations
Flutter Kicks
Scissor Kicks
Floor Abs Exercises with the Exercise Ball
Reverse Crunches
Side Rolls for the Obliques
Push Crunches for the Abs
Hanging Knee Raises Variations
Single Knee Hanging Knee Raises
Double Knee Hanging Knee Raises
Oblique Hanging Knee Raises
Isometric Exercises for Stomach Strengthening
Full Plank Exercise
Half Plank Exercise
Side Plank Exercise
Plank Exercise Variations
Moving Side Plank Exercise: Elbow and Feet
moving Side Plank Exercise: Hand and Feet
1 Leg Plank Exercise on the Floor
Lower Abdominal Exercises (basic)
Reverse Ab Crunches (lower ab crunches)
Double Ab Crunches
Easy Lower Back Exercises on the Floor
Prone Opposite Arm and Leg Raise
Quadruped Opposite Arm and Leg Raise
Lower Stomach Exercises on a Bench
Vertical Hip Thrusts
Oblique Hip Thrusts
Lower Back Strengthening Exercises on 45 Degree Slant Board
Lower Back Extensions: Hands Across Chest
Lower Back Extensions: Hands Behind Head
Lower BAck Extensions With Rotation
Lower Back Exercises on the Floor
Back Extension
Superman: Upper Body only
Superman: Upper Body and Lower Body
Low Back Exercises on the Ball
Back Extension
Reverse Leg Lifts
Alternate Arm and Leg Raise
Medicine Ball Abdominal Exercises
Russian Twist/ V-sit Twist
Medicine Ball Toe Touch Crunches
Medicine Ball Crunches on the Stability Ball
Oblique Exercises
Side Bends with Rotation
Medicine Ball Side Bends with Rotation
Incline Oblique Crunches
Incline Oblique Sit Ups
2 Arm Overhead Cable Side Bends
1 Arm Overhead Cable Side Bends: Version #1
1 Arm Overhead Cable Side Bends: Version #2
Seated Stability Ball Cable Rotations
Oblique Knee Raises on a Captain's Chair
Stability Ball Oblique Roll-ins
Medicine Ball Leg Lifts
Medicine Ball Reverse Ab Crunches
Medicine Ball Knees to the Side
2 Leg Stick Ab Crunches
1 Leg Stick Ab Crunches
Oblique Plank Knee Ins Ab Exercise on a Bosu Ball
Knee Ins from the Hands
Knee Ins from the Elbows
Straight Plank Knee Ins on a Bosu Ball
From the Hands
From the Elbows
Stability Ball Knee Ins
From the Hands
From the Elbows
1 Leg Plank with the Feet on the Stability Ball
From the Hands
From the Elbows
1 Leg Plank with the Hands or Elbows on the Stability Ball
Stability Ball Planks with Forward Rolls
Stability Ball Planks with Side Rolls
Side Planks with the Elbow on a Bosu Ball
Isometric Planks
Moving Planks
Side Planks with the Hand on a Bosu Ball
Isometric Planks
Moving Planks
Side Planks with the Elbow on a Bosu Ball and the Feet on a Bosu Ball
Isometric Planks
Moving Planks
Side Planks with the Hand on a Bosu Ball and the Feet on a Bosu Ball
Isometric Planks
Moving Planks
1 Leg Planks with the Hands (or Elbows) and Feet on a Bosu Ball
Planks with the Hands (or Elbows) and Feet on a Bosu Ball
1 Leg Planks with 1 Foot on a Bosu Ball
Flutter Kicks Sitting on a Bosu Ball
Scissors Sitting on a Bosu Ball
Stability Ball Pendulums
Leg Scissors with a Stability Ball
Side Walks on a Stability Ball
Scissor Leg Raises with an Exercise Ball
1 Leg Roll-Ins with an Exercise Ball
1 Leg Piques with an Exercise Ball
Reverse Abdominal Crunches on an Exercise Ball
Stability Ball Leg Raises
Stability Ball Marching
Dead Bug on a Stability Ball
Partnered Ab Exercises
Medicine Ball Sit Ups with a Toss
Back-to-Back Medicine Ball Russian Twists
Crunches with Hand Taps
Abdominal Oblique Exercises
Side Leg Raises on the Floor
Side Leg Raises on a Bosu Ball
Rotational Core Training Exercises
Plank Variation with Core Twists Level 1
Plank Variation with Core Twists Level 2
Rotational Stomach Exercises
Double Knees to the Side
Double Legs to the Side
Stomach Toning Exercises
Stomach Crunches with Heel Touches
Oblique Stomach Crunches with Heel Touches
Trainer Favorites Sarah C
Weighted Russian Twists
Crunches and Leg Raises Combo
Side Plank with Twisting Crunches
Trainer Favorites Daihyana V
Crunches with 1 Leg Raise
Side V-ins
Star Sit Ups
Trainer Favorites Katrina Hodgson
Ab Exercise Videos:
Exercise ball side crunch
The plank to push up
The complete abs crunch
Side plank with a hip thrust
Get up, get down on the Bosu Ball
Leg lifts on the physioball
Trx Core Exercises
Trx Side Plank and Moving Side Plank From the Elbow
Trx Side Plank and Moving Side Plank from the Hand
Trx Side Plank with Rotation
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Additional Exercises other than Abdominal Exercises:
This site also has additional weight lifting exercises that work the rest of the body. Or you can visit my other fitness websites and
If your goal is to lose belly fat, remember that abdominal exercises are not enough by themselves. You need a comprehensive approach to fitness that includes cardio, weight training, good nutrition, and the best abdominal exercises. Check out my ebook on how to lose belly fat.
Also, this site has tons of free ab workouts and core workouts.
Most of the free ab workouts use the abdominal exercises on the site. Some of the ab workouts have pictures of the ab exercises on the same page and other workouts have links to the pages where the pictures and descriptions of the abdominal exercises are located.
This site has over 100 of the best abdominal exercises. Check back often to get new tips and learn new abdominal exercises. Or subscribe to my rss feed/blog or newsletter to stay informed about updates and changes.
Remember this abdominal website is for you, so enjoy and come back to learn more about the abs.
See you soon.
Yours in Health
Dr. Charles
P.S. I have also created a Picture Directory of all the Ab Exercises:
Picture Directory of Ab Exercises Part I
Picture Directory of Ab Exercises Part II
Picture Directory of Ab Exercises Part III
Picture Directory of Ab Exercises Part IV
The Picture Directory is divided into 4 parts so that the pages load a little faster on your computer. Below is a list of all the ab exercises on this site.
Return to the Home Page of the Best Ab Exercises Website
P.S. Check out my Core Workout Video!
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Click to learn more about the core training.
My Weight Loss and Fitness Program for Women
Women's Fitness and Weight Loss Program:
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If you want to lose weight and get a flat stomach, my ebook
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It's more than just a list of the best ab exercises.
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